Gousto review



Oh my Gousto! When I came home from work to this waiting in my kitchen, I could not believe how huge the box was! You don’t even need to be home as you can let them know to leave it in a safe place or with a neighbour and they’ll make sure it’s delivered by 7pm. If it does go to the post office, you might be okay to collect it the next day, but you won’t be able to wait until the weekend.



As you can see, the packaging is amazing. Inside the box the veg was on one side and this huge white bag was on the other. Inside were reusable icepacks (win) and biodegradable sheep wool, which keeps everything nice and cold. (My box had been left in the kitchen all day and the ice had barely melted.)

I received 2 recipes, Mushroom Bolognese and Super Chicken Noodles. I decided to make the noodles first as it was the one with the meat and I felt as if I should make it then and there.

You get everything you need in the pack and you don’t need to measure anything! The only extra you need is oil for frying.

It does take a while as you keep on going back to check the recipe card to make sure you haven’t missed anything, but it’s very simple to prepare and cook and ends up tasting delicious! They give you enough for a meal for 2, as I made it for myself, I saved the leftovers for lunch the next day and it tasted much better after the flavours had infused with the noodles over night.

It was quite different to what prefer, but it was fun cooking something I haven’t tried before!

Now on to the Mushroom Bolognese, I made this towards the end of the week. It was on the last day that I could use the ingredients. This was much easier to make and was quite strange at the same time.


You chop up the mushrooms into different textures so that once it’s combined, it resembles something similar to meat or similar to quorn. This one was much easier to prepare as it was all veg (but I did miss out adding in the balsamic vinegar, oops!) The flavours from this dish were incredible! I definitely will be trying this one again, especially as the recipes are all on their website.
The only problem with the Mushroom Bolognese is that I ended up getting a little ill after eating it and my mum had an allergic reaction, but I’m putting that down to it being towards the end of their sell by date.

10So, overall Gousto is one of the best cooking kits I have ever received. The meals were varied and appetising and they give you excellent step by step instructions. The meals are easy to make and don’t take too long to throw together, which make them ideal for preparing when you’ve come home from work. I recommend this to anyone who loves cooking, wants to try something new or even to novices who want to try cooking something a little different.


Receive a weekly box with fresh ingredients and recipes to cook a handful of meals you yourself have selected. The ingredients (including organic vegetables and high animal welfare British farm meats) are sent in the proper proportions needed in order to create the recipes. A perfect way to eat well without waste.

The price varies depending on how many meals you order. For 2 people for 4 meals it’s £41.99, whereas for 2 meals it’s £27.49 plus free postage.

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