MyMeow: Box 7 Winter 2021 – My Meowelous Year

It’s December, and My Meow has some lovely festive treats in store!

The magazine, as always, has a wealth of fun and useful information inside. It’s supposed to be the one item for the actual owner, but as we all know that cats own humans and not the other way round, almost everything is of course geared towards keeping kitty happy!

From goodies to make for your cat, movies to watch, and behavioural tips, there’s plenty of things to keep both humans and felines entertained!

Then of course you have the goodies. My Meow includes all kinds of treats, both to eat and to play with, and this month’s have a lovely Christmassy theme.

Cats love things that roll and dangle and jiggle, and these are a nice selection. I always thing that rolling ball toys are very useful because they often roll away and disappear, but then are discovered with great joy a few days later!

My Meow always gives great examples of cat treats that are as natural as possible. The Webbox Yum-e-Yums  are very popular with my cheese-loving kitty, as are the liver treats, which are 100% natural. Applaws cat food is well-known for being made from natural ingredients. While My Meow don’t usually include canned food, this premium meal is a terrific inclusion for this time of year, especially if you want to keep kitty away from the Christmas turkey!

Keeping with the Christmas theme, also included is this cool cat house!

It arrives flat, and just needs to be unfolded and attached by the velcro tabs.

It’s not that big, as you can see by the size of my big ball of fluff, but as it turns out she liked that it was nice and cosy, as was quite happy to curl up to escape from too much festive jollity! Also included was a cute collar/scarf, which is technically a in new year design but still works superbly for the whole festive season.

And don’t forget, every My Meow box also includes a recyclable scratch pad to keep kitty’s claws and scratching instincts in check.

Our score: 9.6/ 10

I love this selection of Christmas goodies! People get plenty of treats a Christmas, so it's only fair that kitties do too, right? As well as the lovely edibles and fun toys, I think including the cat house is a really clever idea. Cats love having little hiding places, and especially as Christmas can get rather boisterous, it's lovely to have another option for kitty to have her own little retreat while still staying in the Christmas spirit. My My Meow is a terrific way to spoil your furry friend, and you get plenty of treats to last each month, plus endless amusements to keep kitty amused!

  • Quality of products9
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money9
  • Selection of products10

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