Inkdrops Ace Box

Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 14.40.39One summer evening, the ladies at Ink Drops were chatting about make up and the concept of beauty sampler boxes and one of them said “wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get a beauty box, but full of stationery, a parcel of loveliness every month or two?”. And so it was that the Ace Box was born.

Ink Drops curates and delivers beautiful parcels of stationery. It’s like a selection box of chocolates (not in a box!), but with cards, papers, notelets and other things to make your handwritten correspondence stand out. They offer a monthly subscription, and a variety of themed parcels for immediate dispatch.

gp2The box reviewed here is a representative of the boxes, rather than a specific monthly subscription box.

The ACE monthly box from costs £11.95 + P&P (approx £3.50). The internal ‘Mum’ voice in my head wonders why anyone would pay that much for stationery, but the ’13 year old girl’ in me is too busy squealing to notice.

Imagine if a friend went to Paperchase, then came out with a selection of cards, postcards, stickers, and other bits that she thought you might like. That, to me, seems what the ACE box is all about. And I love it.

So, what was included?

Firstly, there’s an A4 sheet of vintage style stickers. gp1They will certainly be used at some point in my papercrafting activities. A smaller sheet of stickers in muted pastels was just perfect for decorating my new phone case (the colours are an almost perfect match!).

Second, two good quality greetings cards – one I might not have chosen for myself, but the other (a birthday card) is great for my ‘of a certain age’ friends. The same goes for the stack of cassette design sticky notes – as someone who regularly taped the Top 40 on a cassette recorder back in the 80s, I love the retro theme.

Lastly, a postcard and two gel pens, with gold and silver ink. What you say about these, except that they will always be useful (and used!).


In conclusion, I found the price a touch on the high side, but the contents are good quality and if you like stationery (and the lost art of letter writing) then you’ll certainly enjoy this box.


Monthly subscription: £11.95 + P&P (approximately £3.50)

None at the moment.

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Ink Drops

  • Delightful stationery
  • From £15.45

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Ink Drops

  • Delightful stationery
  • From £15.45