The Rainy Day Box Co. – January 2016. Weather Crafts

The Rainy Day Box Co. is the perfect box to keep your children amused with all the wet and dreary weather we have been having pretty much all year so far. In fact it is the wet British weather that inspired this activity box, and I absolutely adore the background story to this box’s creation. Established by a fellow Mum to two boys, The Rainy Box Co. was founded as a way of keeping her children entertained at home on wet days, just like her Mum did with her when she was a child.

I received a taster letterbox and straight away I was impressed by how colourful and delightful the box is, making it instantly appealing to children.


I was amazed and pleasantly surprised by how many different activities the box was filled with, as the box is a bit like a Tardis because although compact it still managed to hold so much. The Taster Letterbox comes with 4 craft activities all about the weather, all with clear instructions and each craft was clearly labelled inside its own envelope.


While I read the detailed instructions aloud to Jenson, aged 4, Burton, aged 6, was able to read them himself and got on with his activity independently (although Jenson did aswell, once I explained to him what he needed to do). Jenson opted to make the rainbow badge which he was able to do easily enough with minimal supervision from me.




Burton made the weather dial, and apart from asking me to cut a couple of things out for him (just because I am neater at doing so than him!), he did it all himself, even reading the instructions and insisting, as any 6 year old would, he could do it without me!



The box also contained a snowflake stencil and two shimmery pieces of paper, which, with some help with me when it came to cutting out the shapes, looked great and this stencil will definitely be used again this December for making Christmas decorations!



Unfortunately, we are still to make the recycler task activity because we do not, and I keep forgetting to buy!, shaving foam but as we have so much wet weather, we will get this activity done soon I am sure.


The box also contains a prize chart which your child/children can fill in and you can tweet a pic of the completed chart to Aly@therainydaybox,  to receive a prize in your next box.


The Rainy Day co. taster box is priced at just £4.99 which I think is great value for money per month for 4 different craft activities. My boys love things like this and when you consider that a magazine retails at around the £3 mark, I think this box is fab. For £10.99 you can order a larger activity box too, which includes a lot of crafting and will keep your children amused for hours.

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