MyMeow: Box 10 Winter 2022 – #CatGoesFishing

Traditionally, cats love fish! So the Cat Goes Fishing  box of goodies from MyMeow  seems to be the perfect theme!

You can see the cute and fun artwork that features in every MyMeow box. And right there is the terrific MyMeoMag, which is a real treasure trove of fun and useful facts.

It always follows the theme, so here you have cats in literature, cats and water, cats who fish (really!) and even a recipe for your own fishy snacks for kitty.

The magazine is of course for owners, and it’s a lot of fun, but really you’ve got these treats for your cat.

First the cat treats. MyMeow always include high-quality treats. The Pet Munchies and Hi Life are really terrific, and my cat goes crazy for them. They’re essentially dried meat, and they are a huge hit in our house! The Whisks Dentabites are also useful, as they help keep your cat’s teeth clean, and they seem to taste pretty nice too!

Now as it happens, my kitty isn’t that crazy about eating fish, but she absolutely adores toys like this! There are two little catnip-stuffed fishes, with feather decorations that cats seem to adore, plus a fish on a pole that’s brilliant for playing with your cat.

As you can see my kitty decided to check out the toys ASAP.

This is another really useful thing, and it’s actually great for owners too! It’s a little bag for all your cat’s toys. This is such a clever idea, especially because one of the things about MyMeow is that your cat ends up with a marvellous array of fun thing to play with, but they can be a little difficult to keep track of. So this is actually the perfect thing to keep them all, so they can stay in one place and you can swap them out whenever you like.

Technically it could be used as cat storage I suppose.

And don’t forget at the bottom of the box (under that picture, it’s so fun!) is a corrugated cardboard scratch pad, which kitty can use, shred, and then can be recycled.



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