Lick My Dip – July 2016: The Ultimate Box

Are you a fan of seriously hot sauce? Love really spicy, fiery food? Well Ladies and Gents, welcome to the world of Lick My Dip who post out monthly boxes of insanely hot foodie treats (or should that be tricks?!) direct to your doorstep. They offer two different sized subscriptions; a smaller sized ‘Taste’ box, and a much larger sized ‘Ultimate’ box, so you can choose one to suit your individual budget.

I have the big daddy Ultimate box for July to share with you all today, and boy does this contain some crazy hot food products! Here’s what I found inside:-IMG_5692Cool Chile Co Habanero Hot Sauce (150g bottle)

Starting off with my favourite product from July’s box, this Habanero Hot Sauce from the Cool Chile Co is simply amazing. It’s described as “a distinctive spice blend with a zesty combination of tomatoes and cider vinegar”, and it’s completely different to many other habanero sauces I’ve tried in the past (and I’ve tried a lot, trust me). It’s almost like a smokey flavoured ketchup blended with habanero chillies – and those chillies are hot! Absolutely delicious on a burger, or added to some guacamole and nachos. A new favourite for sure!IMG_5699

IMG_5702Daddy Cool Super Hot Cashews (80g bag)

Don’t be fooled by the generous portion size of this bag where you might be thinking you could pick these up and enjoy them by the handful – I could only manage to eat two or three of these at a time! These Super Hot Cashews really are super hot and have been made exclusively for Lick My Dip by Daddy Cool. The cashews have been roasted in honey and then coated in some of the world’s hottest chilli powders, and finally pickled in lime juice. You don’t quite realise how hot they are first because your tastebuds just pick up on the sweet honey flavour, then BAM! That fire from the chilli powders kicks in and your eyes start to water.  Not for the faint hearted!IMG_5705The Smokey Carter Smokey Chipotle BBQ Spice Rub (40g pouch)

For something less eye watering, this pouch of Smokey Chipotle BBQ Spice Rub will be a welcome addition to anyone’s barbeque this summer. This multi blend of chipotle, smoked paprika, chili crush, cumin, ginger, coriander, garlic, pepper, brown sugar, mustard and mexican oregano, is the perfect companion for marinading any meat and veggies to give it a smokey spicy twist. I’ve also tried it sprinkled into some baked beans and scrambled eggs for a little heat at breakfast time and it was seriously tasty.IMG_5709Hannibal’s Hot Sauce Habanero Legion 13 (148ml bottle)

Lick My Dip are truly spoiling us with TWO bottles of excellent hot sauces in one box, with this one from Hannibal’s being what I would call a more traditional habanero hot sauce. A fiery versatile sauce that you can use to add heat to almost any dish; pasta bakes, homemade pies, burgers, hot dogs, pizzas – it’s great on everything!IMG_5712Carolina Reaper Flakes (crazy sized bag!)

With a name like Carolina Reaper, you know these are going to be hot, but how hot? Let me try to explain with some help from the accompanying Lick My Dip leaflet.  These flakes are from the infamous Carolina Reaper chilli which is the current world record holder for being the hottest chilli in the world. It was cross bred between a Ghost Pepper and a Red Habanero and has 1,569,300 Scoville Units which is 627 times hotter than Tabasco sauce. Yikes! I must admit that I was scared to try these and used the tiniest, tiniest, tiniest amount in a bean chili dish – and yes, I can confirm that they made it very hot!IMG_5713Psycho Crunch Ghost Pepper Pork Crunch (80g bag)

My housemates tried these as I’m a vegetarian and they blew everyone’s heads off! Seasoned with ‘face-melting’ Ghost Pepper, these quickly burnt everyone’s throats and tongues, yet were still all gone by the time I’d brought in several glasses of cold milk. Hallowed by thy pain indeed.

July’s Ultimate Lick My Dip box was definitely on the hot side of the fire spectrum, with some amazing new discoveries for me and my friends. The addition of two bottles of hot sauce from two awesome chilli brands demonstrates excellent value for money, whilst the other savoury and cooking products were happily accepted into my kitchen. Another great box then!

Our score: 9.4/ 10

July's Ultimate Lick My Dip box was one of their hottest boxes yet and will be a real treat for those who love seriously hot sauces and savoury treats.

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery9
  • Value for money9
  • Selection of products9

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