Kick ass crate – November 2016

November’s kick ass crate could be my favourite yet! Although that could be because it features products from two of my all time favourite films, which makes me a very happy girl. If you have any friends or family whom love movies then kick ass crates should definitely be considered as a Christmas present. One of the biggest issues with movie boxes is the products they use to “pad” the boxes out, to make people think that they are getting more. Products that are completely useless, from films no one has heard of, which is so disappointing. Kick ass crate does not pad anything out, I am yet to receive a product that is useless or a product from an unknown film, instead I have received high quality merchandise that I absolutely adore and use. I have everything crossed that December’s box is Christmas themed.


I totally feel that there are two kinds of people in this world, those who have watched A clockwork orange and those who haven’t . And even those who haven’t still would recognise this t-shirt, however those who have watched it will tell you what an amazing t-shirt you have. One of the most iconic films of the 1970s A clockwork Orange is definitely one of those films you either loved or hated, personally I loved it and it influenced my style during my late teen years. This t-shirt is so incredibly soft and comfortable, there is no cheap transfer, just a really good quality t-shirt made from good materials. The bright colour has definitely been cheering me up on these dark, cold days and my dad gives me a knowing smile when he sees me in it.


When it comes to movies my heart will forever be with classic horror films, I am the biggest horror fan and have been since I was big enough to sneak downstairs and play my mums Nightmare on elm street VHS. So you could imagine my absolute delight when I discovered November’s box came with a Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers coaster. Another amazing quality product, part of me expected them to be rather flimsy but they are really strong and durable. By far my favourite products in the box this month. I also received a key ring that I wasn’t very fused on, it was very small and between me and my partner couldn’t make out who it was.


When it comes to movies there is only one person I will discuss them with, between me and my brother we must have seen every movie ever made from every corner of the world. As soon as I received this box I rang him and told him to come over immediately so we could test each others knowledge. Technically not what these cards are for but it certainly gave us hours of fun and on our next family game night we will definitely have the edge, did I mention that I beat him.


The last product in the November kick ass crate was this Terminator salvation book, I am half way through the book now and already it is better than the film. Let’s face it The Terminator was a much better movie, however after a childhood watching it with my dad im committed to all things Terminator. I love the books in the kick ass crates because it makes the box last that little longer, which means less wait until the next one.

Our score: 9.2/ 10

The perfect box for anybody that loves movies! Packed with goodies from well known movies and a good range of products, kick ass crates really are kick ass!!!

  • Quality of products9
  • Originality9
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money9
  • Selection of products9

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