Flowbox november 2013 review

The Flowbox concept centres around providing you with 8-10 eco products every month which meet one or more criteria to qualify them for inclusion in the box.  The 8 criteria are organic, fair-trade, environmentally friendly, gluten free, vegan, chemical free, cruelty free and community or people positive.  This wide range give them a lot of room to provide interesting products for those who’d like to have a more positive impact on the planet, or live a healthier life.

In the November box it was a mix of food products and home products.

The products for the home were a hit.  The ethical Lavera Orange Bath Salts and the Lavender and Rosemary Bar from Simply Soap both smelled great and combined feelings of indulgence with the warm feelings that come with using something that you think is better for the planet. The Ecozone Kettle and Iron Descaler worked great on our showerhead and we’ll be using it the next time the iron needs a clean as well.  As someone who is very interested in reducing my impact at home I found these products fun and helpful in achieving this goal.

The food products, however, were hit or miss.  Many of the products were fun and tasty little snacks, but for others you would need to be a die hard health nut to come close to enjoying. For the most part the food products made me feel like I was packing a rucksack for a walk in the Dales.

The Beond Organic Apple & Cinnamon bar was quite tasty and would be a good item to keep around for snacking. The Raw Chocolate with Orange was interesting and similar to a normal dark chocolate although the texture was a bit different.   The bag of Clearspring Roasted Seeds was a delicious mix of pumpkin seeds, soya and cranberries.  The Beet It Organic Beet Juice was on the borderline.  If you love beets you might, perhaps, enjoy drinking a whole bottle of the juice. Amazing Grass Berry Green SuperFood was an interesting mix.  It’s a green powder which you can add to water, fruit juice or smoothies for an added nutrient energy boost  To get the full flavour I tried it with water which I wouldn’t recommend for future use. But it had some nice fruity notes to it which would work well with fruit juice or smoothie.

BBQ flavour kale chips is not something I ever want to experience again. The only claim for these Happy Kale chips was gluten free and that claim is also the most tenuous in terms of falling under the ‘eco’ product label. Our recommendation for future boxes is leave out these very taste specific products especially if they have questionable ties to the eco concept of the box.

To end on a happy note, the Yogi Tea for Cold Season was delicious.  It leads with a blend of citrus, ginger and eucalyptus and has an impressive blend of other organic herbs and spices which give it a warm flavour perfect for the winter season.

Overall the box was interesting and we certainly tried some new things.  Looking back over the items in the box, its clear that it was a good value for money. However, the overall perception of value of the box was diminished by the more bazaar food products, which is a shame as the non-food products were great.

I love the concept and am interested to see how they progress as this was their first box ever.

£21.95 / month including delivery

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