Bokksu: Discover Japan Through Snacks – Summer Fruits July 2021

Bokksu is the only Japanese snack box that sources directly from snack makers in Japan, so many of our artisanal products cannot be found anywhere else. Start your cultural journey through Japan by subscribing to Bokksu and receiving a curated box of premium Japanese snacks and teas delivered to your door every month.

They have two levels of subscription: the Tasting, which is smaller, and the one I have received, The Classic. Subscriptions are prepaid for one, three, six, or twelve months. For the Classic box they work out at $39 (around £30), $37, $35 , and $33 per month. As usual, they are priced in dollars, so GBP conversion is according to today’s exchange rate. Obviously this will vary, but it gives you some idea of cost.

Summer is the perfect time for all things fresh and natural, and the Summer Fruits box is a fantastic way to showcase all the variety that Japan offers.

As always there is a full list of the items inside, with descriptions and allergy guide, plus some extra information about Japanese culture and even some of the makers whose goodies you can find among the contents of the box.

Organic Hojicha Tea and Mikan Mochi.

Hojicha is roasted green tea, which gives it lower levels of caffeine and also gives it a wonderful slightly toasted flavour.

The cute mochi (soft glutinous rice balls) contain mikan juice and peel. Mikan is one of the sweetest citrus, and there is a little tartness added from iyokan to counteract the sweetness.

Hokkaido Akaniku Melon Anpan and Aji Karuta Yuzu  Chili Pepper Rice Cracker.

Anpan is a traditional sweet bun that is usually filled with red bean paste. This unique version made especially for Bokksu is flavoured with melon nd filled with delicious white bean for a twist on tradition.

After the rich sweetness of the bun, this spicy rice cracker gives a real kick with its combination of sweet and fiery gaze with a hint of yuzu.

Kororon Momotaro Sakupuff Chocolat and Candied Yuzu Peel.

The cute light biscuit keeps its sweetness low-key but is topped with a delicious peach and white chocolate layer, which is a great contrast to the simple cookie underneath.

Yuzu is probably the most famous Japanese citrus fruit, used both in sweet and savory cooking. This candied peel is perfect as a treat alone or can be added to all kinds of foods nd baked goods for a citrus twist.

Lemon Pack Soft Cookie and Purun Konjac Jelly

Sandwich cookies are very popular in Japan, and this version consists of a soft cookie, which contains a hint of salt, with a delicious lemon cream filling. The salt heightens the sweetness and the citrus, and lifts the flavour beautifully.

Konjac is a plant-based jelly and very popular as a cooling treat in summer. These little packages of peach jelly are made with real fruit juice and taste delicious just out of the refrigerator.

Suika Watermelon Gummy and Pure Gummy Petite – Grape

Who doesn’t love gummies? Watermelon is another favourite summer snack, and these little candies look just like mini watermelon slices, and taste just like them too! They are onnly available in the summer too.

Grape is a popular fruit flavour in Japan, and these are made from grape juice and have a fantastic zingy sour coating in contrast to the sweetness inside.

Okinawa Shiquasa Fried Rice Crackers & Peanuts, Orange Stick Cake, and Otona no Otsumani.

Fried rice crackers are a favourite savory snack, and the flavour comes from the native Okinawan citrus fruit shiquasa. The sharp and salty flavour is perfect with a cold beer on a hot day, and the addition of peanut pieces gives the texture an extra dimension.

The cake stick is small but very rich and flavoured right through with an intense orange. There are even whole orange slices baked into the top!

Otsumani is another popular savory beer snack, rice crackers and peanuts with Setouchi lemons, for another tart and salty flavour combination.

Our score: 10.0/ 10

It's hard to choose a favourite this month, though the peach jellies are one of the most unusual things I've tried! I love all the citrus varieties of goodies this month, as Japan has an abundant variety of citrus fruit so it's lovely to have them showcased so well here. I've also got a fondness for the chili cracker, as traditionally spicy foods are supposed to cool you down! Bokksu sources the most incredible items, supporting small producers and traditional items with a twist. This is a truly original way to sample the flavours of Japan.

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money10
  • Selection of products10

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