The Beautiful Book Company – The Contemporary Novel

Perfect for those who love to keep up to date with their reading – a different book, delivered straight to your letter box every month.

Pick from one of our packages for an unusual and thoughtful gift, or a great way to discover new books yourself.

The Beautiful Book Company offers a large range of subscription options, and I was offered the choice between their Classic and Contemporary Novel. Looking at the accompanying photographs, I saw I had read (and owned) the books shown, so I thought I should go for the Contemporary option.

It costs £34.99 for three months. There are also six, nine, and 12 – month subscriptions, which work out a little cheaper per month.

The box arrived through the mailbox.

It’s a small detail, but I really liked that it was wrapped in brown paper. It looked comfortingly old fashioned.

The inner box was just plain, and, of course, book-sized.

Inside was a beautifully wrapped package, with a little clear package on top.

A splendid quote, a bookmark, and a card with a welcome note.

This looks very inviting!

The Night Rainbow by Claire King.

I’m not familar with this book, but I looked it up on Amazon and found it has superb reviews.

Of course, this is the point of this subscription, to discover new books!

Rather than sending out the same book to all subscribers, the company offers a much more personalized service. When you subscribe you have the opportunity to tell them about the recipient, favorite authors and themes and so on.

The monthly price works out at less than the cover price of the book, includes postage, and of course the value gets even better the longer the subscription.

The touches like the paper-wrapped box, the bookmark and quite card, and the wrapping, are all beautiful details that would make this a beautiful gift.

I noticed they also have a subscription option for babies (or rather their parents!) which would make a wonderful gift for new parents! It also looks like those books are all board books, which I think are essential for tiny children.

There is such a terrific selection of subscriptions – YA, cookery etc. – there is definitely something for everyone!

It’s always going to be slightly hit and miss as to whether a book will be to the recipient’s taste, and I’m impressed that despite knowing have no information about me (other than I own a bunch of classic novels) they chose something I’m looking forward to reading. Having had a tremendously busy weekend I’ve not yet had a chance to read my new book, but I’m thrilled they have chosen one that I love the look of. Opening a new book is always exciting, but having a lovely parcel to open makes it an even more special experience.

The Beautiful Book Company is definitely a subscription after my own heart! 

Our score: 9.4/ 10

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money8
  • Selection of products9

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