Banjo Robinson – Andaman Islands

I think everyone is missing travelling at the moment, so it’s nice to hear some world adventures from someone! And this is Banjo Robinson, the travelling cat.

Banjo is a fantastic penpal! He tours the world sending letters from every destination, and not just famous cities, he visits countries that are well off the beaten track.

This fortnight (he writes every two weeks) he has been visiting the Andaman Islands, a group of islands in the Bay of Bangal.

Banjo’s letters are beautifully pitched between factual and his own adventures, which generally involve local animals he has met. The emphasis on fact and adventure varies according to the places he visits, but his letters are always engaging with wonderfully illustrations.

The personal aspect is also very well done The letters aren’t just addressed to the child, there are little details dropped into the letters, such as home town, favourite food, and pet names. These are taken from details provided at the time of subscription, and it works very well to make the recipient is writing especially for them.

You can even add your own PS from Banjo, if there’s something a little bit more special you’d like to pass on through Banjo, a particular achievement or even just some motivational or comforting words.

Banjo doesn’t just write, he can receive letters too! Included is a piece of writing paper, sticker stamps, and an envelope. The finished letter is posted under the sofa and collected by a local cat pal to send on.

Or rather, parents sneak out the letter from under the sofa and have a lovely keepsake of their child’s writing.

Banjo’s letters contain plenty of little prompts and questions that will spark the imagination of even the most reluctant writer, and he suggests pictures to draw too.

Along with the letter and writing paper you also get a colouring sheet, with pictures from his letter, a little trivial map, and a delicious local recipe! This time we’ve also got an extra bonus sticker as Banjo ran a competition to design some pals for him to be turned into stickers.

In addition to all the lovely stuff with the letter, the Banjo Robinson website also has fantastic resources for keeping children amused. They’re all free and well worth a look, as we are all looking for more ways to keep the kids busy at home!


Our score: 10.0/ 10

As always, this is a 10/10. Banjo is such a fantastic concept and execution, promotes literacy and creativity, and is a wonderful friend! So many goodies come with his letters, which are fun and engaging. Also the habit of writing letters is a good one in a world that relies on electronic communication. Long may pen and paper last, and Banjo Robinson definitely helps it along!

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money10
  • Selection of products10

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Banjo Robinson

  • Kids aged 4-8
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